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WHOI Receives Issued Patent for Advanced Time Synchronization and Range Estimation in Underwater Systems

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has received a patent for an improved method for enabling precise range estimation and time synchronization for underwater systems (US Patent No. 12,058,635). This new capability can significantly improve the performance of submerged systems, including underwater sensors used for earthquake monitoring and autonomous underwater vehicles. Retrieving high-quality data from the…

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Behind the Innovation: Q&A with WHOI Senior Engineer Paul Fucile about his journey from oceanography to space technology

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s (WHOI) senior engineer, Paul Fucile, has spent forty years working in oceanography. His work spans various disciplines, including work on sensors, bioluminescence detection, telemetry, and low-power instrumentation. In one of his latest projects, Fucile collaborated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) to study…

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Interview with Tech Transfer: IP Basics

Intellectual property (IP) is an essential tool for research and development, especially for early-stage, high-risk technologies. Additionally, it can be a strategic business tool to gain marketposition and maintain product or process exclusivity. Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneuror a first-time inventor, understanding IP can help effectively manage the technology throughoutthe development and commercialization processes.…

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