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WHOI Engineers Invent Sampling System for AUVs used in Oil Spill Response

The oil that enters aquatic environments can have significant ecosystem impacts. Most spilled oil from platforms and vessels floats on the water surface, but spills under the water can be more challenging to detect and observe. Underwater oil spills require additional observation measurements from remote sensors, surface vessels, and remotely operated and autonomous vehicles, which…

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WHOI engineers invent adjustable, compact marine winch, offering flexibility and improved vessel operations

Woods Hole, MA – Most research operations and missions require winches for hauling and retrieving equipment over the side of ships. A winch is used to hoist items to and from the deck such as nets, vehicles and other scientific equipment. Typically, marine winches in use today have large on-deck footprints, can be difficult to…

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WHOI-ADI Ocean and Climate Innovation Accelerator Awards First Wave of Ocean-Climate Research

The Ocean and Climate Innovation Accelerator (OCIA) has awarded its first wave of projects to develop a more precise understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change. Launched in 2021 by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), OCIA is designed to bring together organizations from various disciplines and areas of…

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