Advance Your Technology
Browse internal and external funding opportunities and explore collaborative workspaces to advance your technology.
Internal Funding
Innovative Tech Program (ITP)
ITP provides early stage funding to help explore and launch new ideas. ITP is intended to explore ideas at a TRL 1 or 2 with the objective of later seeking additional internal or external funds to continue developing your innovation. ITP is not limited to projects with proven commercial application. These are two year awards for up to $100,000.
Translational Research Funding Program
TRFP aims to advance the marketability of WHOI’s most commercially promising innovations through applied research funding. Managed by OTT, these awards are for technologies with broad application or commercial potential that require additional advancement toward a demonstration, prototype, or gathering commercially relevant data. These are one year awards for up to $100,000.
Ocean and Climate Innovation Accelerator (OCIA)
Launched by WHOI and Analog Devices, Inc., OCIA is a first-of-its-kind consortium focusing on advancing knowledge of the ocean’s critical role against a warming planet by bringing together industry, academia, and philanthropy. OCIA awards annual grants to internal WHOI investigators at two levels: Incubation Awards provide up to $100,000 in seed funding to support the design, exploration, and/or early execution of new, cutting-edge scientific initiatives; and Acceleration Awards provide up to $300,000 each to expand successful or mature programs of cutting-edge scientific initiatives.

Autonomous Vehicle and Sensor Technologies (AVAST)
AVAST provides the resources to create and pursue cutting-edge projects and programs. The collaboration and innovation hub can help WHOI innovators accelerate their innovations and idea that don’t fit neatly into WHOI’s usual model for R&D. Additionally; AVAST serves a broad range of users interested in accelerating new ocean technology and research.