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WHOI Spins Off Local Technology Startup EOM Offshore

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) sold its controlling interest in EOM Offshore, a mooring systems company based on technology developed by engineers at WHOI. The company was founded as a start-up in 2010 to commercialize highly stretchable, fatigue-resistant hoses to transmit power and data to and from undersea sensors. EOM’s patented Electromagnetic Stretch Hoses connect…

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Upcoming SBIR/STTR Seminar

Open to the public- RSVP appreciated to  

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This Week in Innovation Month: Patent Publications

Did You Know? Patent applications begin life as private, confidential communications between the inventor and the Patent Office (USPTO). If continued, patent applications are published (with a few exceptions) 6 months after the Non-Provisional stage. Published patents are freely available, and easily found online. In 2017, 10 WHOI patent applications published: “Aquatic Sampler and Collection…

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