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Scientists are looking at a technique known as ocean alkalinity enhancement, or OAE, as a potential way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Read MoreWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Western Washington University Sign License Agreement for Upwell Cosmetics to Make and Market a Marine Microalga-Derived Wax Woods Hole, Mass. — A wax that is derived from a commonly grown marine microalga could be the next big thing in cosmetics and personal care products, thanks to a recent license agreement…
Read MoreWHOI’s Office of Technology Transfer recently executed a non-exclusive license for a low-cost, low-power wave inertial measurement sensor to MRV Systems. Integrated into a small thermodynamic profiling float called Air-Launched Autonomous Micro Observer (ALAMO), this sensor is capable of measuring ocean wave size, shape, and speed over time. These measurements are essential for activities like…
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