Posts by atoomajian
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and collaborators launch world’s largest kelp map
Woods Hole, MA – Kelp forests provide myriad benefits to nature and people in oceans around the world. They form the backbone of the ecosystems in which they are found, providing habitat and food for thousands of species. However, recent research suggests changing ocean conditions including marine heatwaves linked to climate change have led to…
Read MoreDissolving oil in a sunlit sea
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution-led study reveals sunlight can help dissolve oil into seawater Woods Hole, MA – The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill was the largest marine oil spill in United States history. The disaster was caused by an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, taking 11 lives and releasing nearly 210 million gallons…
Read MoreInnovative Microplastics Detection & Identification Sensor Developed at WHOI
Microplastics are defined as plastic fragments less than five millimeters in size. These tiny particles have become a growing concern in recent years due to their potential effects on everything from marine life to the water we drink. However, despite growing concern, their impact is still largely unknown due to the lack of technological advancement…
Read MoreStartup Spotlight: Q+A with ARMADA Marine Robotics, Inc. Founders, Jeff Kaeli, Robin Littlefield, and Rusty Warren
In 2017, WHOI engineers Jeff Kaeli and Robin Littlefield entered the WHOI Office for Technology Transfer Pitchathon, intending to win translational funds to advance what was then just an idea, the Asymmetric Thruster. This novel propulsion system, now a patented and demonstrated technology, produces forward thrust – as with a traditional multi-bladed propeller – but…
Read MoreInnovative WHOI Winch Design Licensed to InterOcean Systems for New UVM Research Vessel
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has completed a license agreement with InterOcean Systems, LLC. for an innovative marine winch design, soon to be part of the new University of Vermont research vessel. The unique winch build will enable more efficient operations for both personnel and power. The vessel is designed as a hybrid research boat…
Read MoreExploration at New Heights and Depths
On average, Mars is about 140 million miles from Earth. The deepest parts of our ocean, called the Hadal Zone, are about 6.8 miles below the surface. At first thought, these places may not seem like they have much in common; but both sites face limitations for exploration and present unique technological challenges. Whether investigating…
Read MoreEngaging with the Blue Economy Webinar Series
Are you interested in learning more about the various facets of the Blue Economy? Are you looking to understand the impact of ocean-derived technologies in the marketplace? Would you like to hear from industry experts on rising trends in the Blue Economy? If so, The Ocean Exchange™ and the Marine Technology Society have teamed up…
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