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Exploration at New Heights and Depths

On average, Mars is about 140 million miles from Earth. The deepest parts of our ocean, called the Hadal Zone, are about 6.8 miles below the surface. At first thought, these places may not seem like they have much in common; but both sites face limitations for exploration and present unique technological challenges. Whether investigating…

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Calling All Entrepreneurs!

The Annual WHOI Pitchathon will take place in October and WHOI Tech Transfer is once again looking for volunteer Business Advisors to assist inventors in putting together the perfect pitch! Each October, WHOI hosts the pitch competition- inviting innovators from around WHOI to pitch their technologies before a panel of judges. WHOI innovators are given…

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Burgeoning Offshore Wind Industry Offers Opportunity for New Tech

In the burgeoning offshore wind industry, growing particularly rapidly within the US, there’s opportunity aplenty for new technology. Quite a few existing Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) technologies as well as technologies in development have application in this field. Oceanus recently looked at some of the work being done in offshore wind by Anthony Kirincich, a…

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