Sensors & Equipment
Wave Inertial Measurement Sensor (WIMS)
The Wave Inertial Measurement Sensor (WIMS) is a low-cost, low power consumption device measuring wave motion, height, period, and direction.
Undersea Beacon Deployment
This underwater deployment system holds several transponders entirely by vacuum force which can be individually released to mark a location. Each transponder is configured in weight and dimensions to compensate for any ballast changes which occur in the AUV during deployment
Sonar Calibration System
This sonar calibration method is designed to enable unprecedented flexibility in sonar calibration and provides high accuracy at a low cost.
ROV Lifting Tether
The ROV Lifting Tether is a lightweight, flexible marine tether designed to enhance load-carrying capabilities while supporting a minimized tether diameter to limit the on-deck footprint.
PHORCYS Marine Biological Oxygen Demand Sensor
A semi-autonomous submersible sensor system that passively samples the water column in situ. The sensor performs real time, direct oxygen consumption measurements for quick turn-around.
Passive Ballast
The Passive Ballast and Semi-Passive Ballast systems take advantage of ambient water pressure to achieve both positive buoyancy while on the surface and neutral buoyancy while submerged, all while requiring no or very little power.
On-Call Buoy
The On-Call Buoy was developed as a “whale-safe” fishing method, an alternative to closing areas, securing vertical lines on the seafloor until released on command. The On-Call Buoy holds the vertical end line on a spool anchored to the seafloor, thereby reducing the risk of entangling whales in the rope.
Improved Marine Profiler
A low-drag, flow-aligning profiler that pivots both horizontally and vertically to orient with the incident current flow to minimize drag. Enabling longer deployment times and significantly improved data acquisition.
Dynamic Electric Motor
This technology is a novel Brushless DC (BLDC) motor system. The design is intended to decouple the torque constant from the speed constant in the BLDC motor system. This allows efficient torque and speed to be independent. The system couples two BLDC motors to a single shaft, with the first motor optimized for torque and coupled via a sprag bearing clutch. The second motor is optimized for speed and is directly coupled to the shaft. The outcome is a motor that is efficient over a large operating range
Contaminant Fingerprinting
This technology advances contaminant monitoring by using multidimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) with mass spectroscopy coupled with a software package to provide a high-resolution contaminant fingerprint analysis of complex mixtures of synthetic organic chemicals, natural products, and/or petroleum hydrocarbons.
Compact Dissolved Methane and Gas Sensor
The Dissolved Gas Sensor supports field-portable, in-situ, and bench-top measurements. The sensor can measure dissolved gases in liquids using only milliliters of the sample and produce a sample analysis time of only minutes. In addition, using a hollow-core fiber optic sensor allows analysis to be simple, robust, and conducted with a compact configuration.
CHANOS Marine Carbonate Detection Instrument
The Channelized Optical System (CHANOS) uses a modular design that is capable of making simultaneous spectrophotometric measurements of seawater DIC and pH.